Claiming to be a huge fan of Amitabh Bachchan, Priyanka asserted that she alone will do all the remakes of the Legendary Actor. She acted in the flms 'Don', 'Agneepath' and now in 'Zanjeer' too, all of them are the remakes of Big B superhits. When quizzed about her crackling chemistry with Ram Charan on the sets of Zanjeer, Priyanka clarified that both of them are just friends. She went ahead and gave a compliment for her co-star saying that he is a hardworking guy.
As the film is a Hindi-Telugu bilingual, the lead pair were seen helping each other on the sets with language lessons. Both Charan and Priyanka will dub their voice for the two versions.
Tags:We are Just Friends: Ram Charan's Love Interest
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