Bollywood Star Hero Salman Khan who already has three of his recent films joined into Rs.100 Crore club is all set to start a new club and that is Rs.200 Crore club. While Kareena Kapoor, Asin, Priyanak Chopra and Sonakshi Sinha have also joined the first club, now Katrina Kaif will directly take a joint leap into the second territory of 200 Cr. We are speaking about Salman and Kat’s new flick ‘ek tha tiger.’ First trailer of the film has enough indications of a huge jump in Indian Cinema commercial stamina.
In fact, some say that Aamir Khan’s ‘3 Idiots’ already into 200 Crore club but some of the Salman Fans are never to agree on this. Meanwhile, there is confirmation from makers of ‘ek tha tiger’ is all set for a release on August 15 as there is an extended five day long weekend. Well, let us see Kabir Khan whether lives up to the high expectations built on movie with that smashing trailer.
Tags:Star Hero to begin a New Club,Latest Bollywood News,Latest Stills,Latest Bollywood Stills
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